Anywho, on with the pregnancy stuff...
What scripture is speaking to you this week? 1st Corinthians 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
I have been having a hard time feeling motivated to clean my house (read do laundry) or cook( read dinners I can't just throw in the oven) these past few weeks.I've been so tired and have felt really lazy. (Who really wants to do much when they're exhausted and can't get comfortable?) I realized that it is my job and what God has given me to do as a homemaker. He has given me an amazing task, that everyone isn't cut out for and it is exactly what my husband needs me to do as his helpmeet. Having a clean house and making nutritious dinners help my hubby feel less stressed. And with everything else my husband is doing to take care of us, why can't I put forth a little extra effort to make sure I respect him, as God has called me to do.
Symptoms? The same old stuff over her. Fatigue and nausea. Though my hubby and I did get food poisoning on our trip. If you ever go to Hood River, DO NOT eat at the Crazy Pepper. We weren't the only ones to get sick while we were there. Some of the other couples at the B+B we stayed at got food poisoning from them too.
Cravings? Fresh fruit- mostly berries and melons. Though I did make applesauce and that has been pretty sweet. I've been craving lemons again too. haha.
Sleep? Always can use more of that. What pregnant woman can't?
Gender? It's a boy. His name is Tobin James (Insert some 2nd middle name my sister hasn't decided on yet here) Manchester. I like being prepared, so we found out. Nesting always seems to hit me early on, so not knowing would probably stress me out more, aka I've had all of his clothes washed and put away since we found out. I'm also in the process of making crib bumpers and a matching crib skirt. =)
Movement? Not much. If I stretch, I'll normally get a pretty good punch or kick, but he seems pretty content to move every once in a while and keep his feet in my left rib and his head in my rip hip.
What I'm looking forward to.... Hopefully finishing the crib bumper this weekend and starting on the crib skirt. Also, more baby proofing. My daughter (10 months) figured out right before we left how to pull herself up from her belly to her feet, so nothing is safe anymore. She has been walking everywhere in our living room(holding onto our couches or coffee table)
What I need prayer for this week is patience. With myself- I'm 22 weeks and don't really look pregnant. I get that it's because I haven't gained any weight yet. But I would love to be in maternity clothing. My pre-pregnancy jeans are what I'm currently wearing(comfortably) with a t-shirt. I honestly look a little pudgy, and not pregnant. With others- When people talk to me when I'm with my daughter, and they hear I'm pregnant, they normally say "Oh you are going to have your hands full." Or "Oh they're so close together." I know that my kids are going to be close together. They will be 14 months apart if Tobin comes a few days late. I need to be able to give these people more grace and not a biting answer.
The trip you took with your husband sounds lovely! It's good to spend time with just the two of you! I know what you mean about missing your daughter; whenever the grandparents take our kids, I usually start missing them within a few hours. But I know we need to have this alone time and I need to take advantage of it when we can get it.
ReplyDeleteI love the scripture you shared and what you had to say about it. I have been feeling quite lazy and unmotivated too. I have to say, I was convicted a bit by what you said. For all the my husband does, I really need to make more of an effort regardless of how I'm feeling!